Monday, August 17, 2009

Let it Be

"Let it Be". I need eye surgery for cataracts and since
I have been diagnosed with Diabetes and I have to take two
blood thinners. So...there is a small problem. That is one of
the main reasons I am not scrapping pages now.

I am only going to put this notice here. I hope you understand now. I believe only those that truly care
will read this.


  1. Donna, I will certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers. The cataract surgery isn't so bad, I had both eyes done years ago, it's the other stuff that complicates it. Grrrrr! Keep us posted! (((hugs))) Linda

  2. Donna,hang in there,I was so glad to see your page. I am waiting for you to be all better so we can see more of your beautiful work. I love you...Judy

  3. Oh Donna, So sorry to hear about the health troubles you are facing at present. Was wondering why I hadn't seen your bright cheerful comments on FB. You are in my thoughts and prayers dear friend. I hope to see you around again soon. *hugs* Kylie

  4. My dear Donna ~ Please hurry and get better soon ~ I miss my dear friend.
    Love and ((Hugs))
    Jacquii xxx

  5. donna why didn't you tell me the truth about the pages. have we become so far apart....l miss you on SBF, but now l know why you aren't doing pages....get better soon..miss you....
